Official Government Website


Major General Timothy DonnellanThe Adjutant General/ Commanding General: Major General Timothy J. Donnellan
Major General Timothy J. Donnellan is the Adjutant General of Idaho and the Commanding General of the Idaho National Guard. The Adjutant General is appointed by the governor and has command over the state’s Army and Air National Guard units, as well as all other entities within the Idaho Military Division.

Chief Warrant Officer 5 Edward BarnowskiState Command Chief Warrant Officer: Chief Warrant Officer 5 Edward Barnowski
Chief Warrant Officer 5 Edward Barnowski is the Idaho National Guard’s command chief warrant officer. He is responsible for advising the adjutant general and commander, Idaho National Guard, and other members of the Idaho National Guard command group on a variety of matters pertaining to policies and actions affecting the warrant officer cohort. The duties of the command chief warrant officer include educating, managing, training, recruiting and providing career enhancement for warrant officers within the state.

Command Sgt. Maj. Alice RandolphSenior Enlisted Leader: Command Sgt. Maj. Alice Mapes
Command Sergeant Major Alice Mapes is the Senior Enlisted Leader of the Idaho National Guard, Gowen Field, Boise, Idaho. As the state’s Senior Enlisted Leader, she communicates directly to the state’s commanding general on behalf of the Idaho National Guard’s enlisted members.

Special Staff

Public Affairs Office

Public Affairs fulfills the Idaho National Guard’s obligation to keep its military members and the citizens of Idaho informed. Public Affairs helps to establish the conditions that lead to confidence in Idaho’s National Guard and its readiness to conduct operations in peacetime, conflict and war.

The National Guard –

Public Affairs Officer
Lt. Col. Christopher Borders
If you would like to request Idaho National Guard personnel or equipment to be a part of your community event, please contact the Community Relations manager 208-272-4142 or 208-422-5042.

State Chaplain

The Mission of the Joint Chaplaincy is to provide religious support to Idaho’s Air and Land Warriors across the full spectrum of operations. Ministry Teams assist commanders in ensuring the right of free exercise of religion, and provide spiritual, moral and ethical leadership to the Idaho National Guard.

Contact the State Chaplain: 208-272-6468

State Inspector General

The Inspector General is a confidential adviser and impartial factfinder for the commander, also known as a directing authority. Whenever possible, IGs work through and within the chain of command to maintain their viability, effectiveness, and relevancy.

If you have a question, need assistance, or have a concern that your supervisor or chain of command cannot address, you should contact a local IG office for guidance. Anyone—including Service members, DOD and Army Civilian employees, Family members, retirees and their dependents, contract employees, Army non-appropriated fund (NAF) employees, and members of the general public—may submit a complaint, allegation, or request for information or assistance to any Army IG concerning a matter of Army interest; however, not all matters are appropriate for IG action.

Contact the Inspector General: (208) 272-4146

Staff Judge Advocate

The Idaho National Guard’s Office of the Staff Judge Advocate General is part of the Joint Force Headquarters and comprised of Army and Air Force lawyers, legal administrators, and specialists. Judge advocates assist commanders with Operational Law, Civil Law, and Military Justice. Our lawyers provide limited legal assistance services to service members and their families.

The Staff Judge Advocate will provide legal support to commanders, legal services required by service members for mobilizations or deployment, and legal assistance on personal legal problems to eligible persons.


Full Time Staff Judge Advocate
3882 W. Ellsworth Street, Bldg. 440
Boise, ID 83705


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