Join the Chaplain's office for 3 days of adventure at Quaker Hill in McCall, ID. Kids of all ages are welcome. Child care is provided for ages 0-4. Spots are on a first-come, first-serve basis so register ASAP.
AUGUST DRILL DAY CAMP- GOWEN-- AUG 21 Registration is still open for the August Drill Day Camp. Child's parent must be attending drill at Gowen on the day of camp. For ages 6 and up! Pre-Registration is required and may be completed here -->
*Open to all branches. Priority given to Army & Air National Guard.
Join our kick-off of Military Youth Group, now back in person! This is a great opportunity to meet other military youth in the area and learn about leadership opportunities. Must be 9-18 years old to participate. Any child 8 years and younger must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
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BOISE- 10:30 Am- 12pm at Boise Elks Lodge CALDWELL: 1-2pm at Caldwell Armory
The Idaho National Guard Service Member & Family Support team invites you and your children to participate in Red Ribbon Week 2021, taking place October 25th-29th. This year's Red Ribbon Week theme is Drug Free Looks Like Me. The theme is a call to action to speak out in support of healthy choices. It also serves […]