Official Government Website

ID Military Division Foundation

Idaho Military Division Foundation

Idaho Guard & Reserve Family Support Fund
Idaho Guard & Reserve Family Support Fund relies on your financial support to ensure we can help others in their time of need. Whether it’s Corporate Giving or Individual Donations, you can help us help more service members.

Helping our service members be prepared to meet the needs of our state and country is our focus. The funds assist with the big and little emergencies in life like housing, utilities, car repair, floods, fire, and emergency medical travel.

Finance imageDeployments can create a financial hardship for families. A need was recognized to provide emergency financial assistance statewide for all of Idaho’s guard and reservist service members. The program provides grants and zero interest loans to members and family members of:
-Idaho Army National Guard
-Idaho Air National Guard
-Idaho Army Reserves
-Idaho Navy Reserves
-Idaho Marine Reserves

Go to our website for more information.

Idaho Youth ChalleNGe Academy
Help our Idaho youth dream, believe and achieve a future!

To intervene in and reclaim the lives of 16-18 year old high school dropouts, producing program graduates with the values, life skills, education and self-discipline necessary to succeed as responsible and productive citizens of Idaho.

IDYCA is part of the National Guard Youth Challenge Program funded by the Idaho Military Division. Whether it’s Corporate Giving or Individual Donations, you can help us. We rely on your financial support to ensure we can help the students where state funds are not provided.

IDYCA was established under authority of both federal and state law.

As a state-run residential and post-residential intervention program, the program requires a 17 1/2 month commitment and is divided into two phases.

Go to our website for more information:

Idaho National Guard Morale, Welfare and Recreation Fund

To provide Morale, Welfare, & Recreation programs and services, in conjunction with family programs, supporting the readiness and resilience of the Idaho National Guard service members, families, and DoD retirees.

gym photoRetain service members’ families through wholesome and fun events for family centered activities for all military families. The money we provide for these services comes from our food and beverage sales as well as our retail stores on base along with Corporate Giving or Individual Donations.

-Unit and Joint Family Days
-Events focused on children
-Events focused on family
-Activities focused on military members

easter egg huntEXAMPLES:
-Family Days
-Easter Egg Hunt
-Unit Family Dinner
-Marriage Programs
-New gym equipment
-Unit Social Functions
-Personal Development
-Teambuilding Exercises
-Daddy Daughter Dances
-Educational Opportunities

Army and Air Family Programs, Chaplains, and Child and Youth Services.

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