Official Government Website

Idaho National Guard

The Idaho National Guard is a major component of the Idaho Military Division. The Idaho National Guard maintains combat readiness to fight and win our nation’s wars, develops and strengthens homeland security and emergency response, and builds and fosters partnerships throughout Idaho, the nation and around the world. With its unique dual responsibility to the state and nation, the Idaho National Guard answers to two executives: the governor of the State of Idaho, and when federalized, the president of the United States.

The Idaho Military Division is comprised of the Idaho Army National Guard, the Idaho Air National Guard, the Idaho Office of Emergency Management, the  Public Safety Communications, the Idaho Military History Museum, the Idaho Youth ChalleNGe Academy and STARBASE.

The mission of the Idaho National Guard is to maintain combat readiness and domestic emergency response capability, while building enduring partnerships throughout the state, nation and around the world. Always Ready … Always There

In December of 1940, Adjutant General Adams of the U.S. Army informed Boise Mayor James Straight that construction of the Boise Air Base had been authorized. Boise was chosen for an Air Force training center because of its climate and physical conditions.

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