Official Government Website

Office of the State Inspector General

MAJ Robert J. Taylor

(208) 272-4146

How to file an IG Complaint

Anyone can file an IG complaint with any IG at any time through email, phone call or in-person visit. Contact the State Inspector General for assistance finding the appropriate IG for your complaint.

What is the role of an IG?

IGs are confidential advisers and impartial factfinders for their commander, also known as a directing authority (The Adjutant General for National Guard states). Whenever possible, IGs work through and within the chain of command to maintain their viability, effectiveness, and relevancy. 

Who can ask for Army Inspector General assistance?

If you have a question, need assistance, or have a concern that your supervisor or chain of command cannot address, you should contact a local IG office for guidance. Anyone—including Service members, DOD and Army Civilian employees, Family members, retirees and their dependents, contract employees, Army non-appropriated fund (NAF) employees, and members of the general public—may submit a complaint, allegation, or request for information or assistance to any Army IG concerning a matter of Army interest; however, not all matters are appropriate for IG action.

Will going to a higher-level IG expedite my case?

In almost all instances, the higher-level IG office will simply send your Request for IG Action back to your local level. In doing so, it likely will delay action on your request. 

Are my interactions with an IG kept confidential?

Per AR-20-1, para 1-13(a): 

“All IGs have a duty to protect to the maximum extent possible the personal identity of a complainant, witness, or any other individual providing information to the IG, particularly when the individual specifically requests confidentiality. Persons who ask the IG for help; make a complaint; provide testimony, information, or evidence as part of an IG inspection or investigation; or otherwise interact with an IG often do so because they have an expectation of confidentiality. Their expectation often centers on the safeguarding of the individual’s personal identity and the nature of the individual’s contact with the IG. Although confidentiality and the measures necessary to protect it will vary from circumstance to circumstance, the IG always treats confidentiality carefully and as a priority. While IGs will never promise confidentiality, IGs will endeavor to maintain confidentiality as a matter of primary importance and as a key to the IG system’s viability and success.”

Do Inspectors General handle all issues reported to them?

The scope of an IG’s duties is limited by law and regulation, and there are many issues IGs don’t handle. However, if you talk to an IG about an issue that is not within the IG’s scope, the IG willfind the appropriate office or agency for you to discuss the matter with. 

Examples of issues not handled by Inspectors General:
– Criminal allegations
– Issues that have other means of redress (If the appropriate redress procedures were used, IGs will advise complainants that IG involvement focuses on ensuring that the complainant received due process and the protection of rights as intended by law and regulation)
– Courts-martial actions
– Nonjudicial punishment
– Officer evaluation reports
– NCO evaluation reports
– Enlisted reductions
– Type of discharge received
– Pending or requested discharge

Do Inspectors General encourage Soldiers to bypass the chain of command?

The first thing IGs ask those seeking assistance is, “Have you tried to solve this issue through your chain of command?” Army leadership expects IGs to work with the chain of command to solve issues. In many cases, Inspectors General will go back to your chain of command to resolve the issue you bring to them. 

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