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Office of Financial Readiness Program
Personal Financial Counselors
Personal Financial Counselors (PFCs) are able to assist Service Members and their families in managing their financial readiness and financial problems. The PFC can also assist in reaching long term goals, such as emergency savings, education, buying a house, and retirement.
Support and Counseling Services
Confidential financial consultations for individuals and families
Referrals to military and community resources
Support for family members during deployment
Help with credit management and budgeting
Help navigating benefits
Advocacy information and support
Training and Workshops
Money Management
Budgeting and Developing Spending Plans
Debt and Credit Card Management
Consumer Rights and Obligations (dealing with creditors)
Financial Planning: Reaching Life Goals
Financial Readiness and Economic Security
Financial Readiness for Deployment
Transitioning to Civilian Life
Home Buying
Understanding Mortgages
Preventing Foreclosure
Kids and Money: Raising Financially Savvy Kids
Military Benefits, Pay and Entitlements
Savings and Investments
Retirement Planning
Estate Planning
Helpful Links
Tax Assistance Options (step by step instructions)
Meet Our Personal Financial Counselor
Contractor and Accredited Financial Counselor
Jennifer Wood