The purpose of the Transition Assistance Advisor (TAA) program is to provide a professional in each state/territory (some states have two TAAs) to serve as the statewide point of contact to assist service members in accessing Department of Veterans Affairs’ health care services and benefits. Each TAA also provides assistance in obtaining entitlements through the Military Health System and access to community resources. The program is designed to serve National Guard members and their families. Additionally, we gladly provide services to member in all components.
- Over 98% of Transition Assistance Advisors are veterans or spouses of military members.
- Many TAAs have worked through the disability process and receive disability compensation.
- We have built strong partnerships and coalitions within the Department of Defense TRICARE, Department of Veterans Affairs, State Directors of VA, Veterans Services Organizations, and State Headquarters groups, such as Family Support, Chaplains Offices, Department of Labor (DoL), and Employer Support for the Guard and Reserve (ESGR).
Topics of Assistance
- Healthcare Referral
- Medical Facilities
- TRICARE Benefits
- VA Dental Care Programs
- Referral for Counseling Services
- Unemployment Needs
- Pre-separation Counseling
- Rehabilitative Care
- Assistance with Veterans Benefits
- Veterans Service Organizations
- Financial Hardships
- Compensation Claims
- Locating DD214s
- Locating Medical Records
Helpful Links
Soldier for Life
Tricare Retiree Dental and Vision
Transition Assistance Advisor (Central Idaho)
Angel Smith
202-987-3877 |
Transition Assistance Advisor (E. Idaho)
Hayley Rienstra
202-987-3906 |